Cheers to the 50th anniversary of DDW!

May 19-21, 2019


Celebrating the 50th anniversary of DDW, Jinshan showcased its latest technologies and innovations at Digestive Disease Week, San Diego 19-21 May.

It is the 5th consecutive year of Jinshan’s presence in this worldwide largest GI event. DDW witnessed Jinshan’s fast evolution in the last few years to one of the most active players in the industry.

This year Jinshan officially launched the integrated reflux software platform alpHaLAB. The revolutionary alpHaLab incorporated the up-to-date normal values of acid exposure and impedance episodes as well as MNBI and PSPW following the latest Lyon Consensus. Those new features were greatly praised by leading researchers and clinical users.

The newly released alpHaONE wireless pH monitoring system also attracted crowds of healthcare professionals. It supports up to 96 hours prolonged pH study with intuitive and robust fixation procedure. The smart “double” data transfer technology reduces the risks of data loss in recording period.

The Speedsense adaptive frame rate technology was introduced at this occasion to OMOM capsule endoscopy partners in American continent. With 165 degree field of view, up to 6 frames per second, over 12 hours operating time, new OMOM 2 capsule optimized visual coverage in the gastrointestinal tract.

To meet the growing need of one-stop solution in endoscopy community, Jinshan also added ENDOLINQ CO2 and Irrigation unit, Electrosurgical Unit to our portfolio. We are now fully gearing up for more technology advance in near future. Please follow us to get the first glimpse of exciting innovations.

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